Written & Produced By Jimmy Cauty
Space: Space
[16 Jul 1990] album
LP: 1990 UK (KLF Communications; SPACE LP1) [W/L]
LP: 1990 UK (KLF Communications; SPACE LP1)
CD: 1990 UK (KLF Communications; SPACE CD1)
CD: 1993 ?? (KLF Communications; SPACE CD1) [good-quality bootleg]
LP: 2000 NL (KLF Communications; SPACE LP1) [bootleg]
1:40 Mercury
2:00 Venus
8:47 Mars
6:36 Jupiter
2:35 Saturn
3:08 Uranus
9:38 Neptune
3:57 Pluto
[38:21 -- one track on CD. Times are estimates.]
Space began as a collaboration between Dr. Alex Paterson and Jimmy Cauty, the original line-up of The Orb. It was, according to Cauty's record label KLF Communications, to be The Orb's debut album, but when Cauty left The Orb in early 1990 to concentrate on producing music as The KLF with Bill Drummond, he took the recordings with him. Reworked to remove Paterson's contributions, the album was released on the KLF Communications label, with Cauty alone receiving credit.
According to Cauty, "It was a jam, all done on Oberheim keyboards. Loads of samples... were chucked in there as well. I started on Monday morning and by Friday it was all done".